A special thank you to Ms. Martinez, teachers and staff, and the parents of the incredible children read to on February 2, 2021.

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Technology High School
The New Jersey Association of Student Councils (NJASC) is the nation's oldest student leadership organization. Since its inception in 1927 as the New Jersey Association of High School Councils, the NJASC has continually evolved and constantly been at the forefront of student leadership and student issues. The NJASC is dedicated to helping middle and high school student councils to be more active and engaged in their schools and communities. Throughout the school year, the NJASC works with both student leaders and student council advisors to encourage participation in student government and provide a forum for students to network and share ideas for successful projects and events. In 2006, the NJASC updated its certificate of incorporation in the State of New Jersey and reconfirmed its long-time status as an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) corporation. Contributions to the NJASC are tax deductible.
Each summer the NJASC sponsors a Leadership Training Conference, a 4-day retreat where students learn critical leadership skills including communication and public speaking, problem solving, respecting diversity, project planning, and managing conflict. Each January, over 1500 student leaders from middle and high school student councils throughout the state convene at the NJASC's annual Convention. Students elect their statewide representatives to the NJASC Executive Board and the New Jersey State Board of Education. In addition, students attend a variety of student-led workshops on such topics as planning successful charity events and creative ways to boost school spirit. Awards are given for the Top Ten Student Council Projects, Honor School Student Councils, as well as the High School and Middle School Student Leaders of the Year. Each May the NJASC sponsors a Spring Awards Program, at which awards are given for support of the State Charity and the Standards of Excellence program. Each October, the NJASC sponsors a Fall Business Meeting, at which the Administrator and Advisor of the Year are honored. During all of these meetings, students gather to interact with one another, exchange ideas and expand opportunities for their individual school student organizations. In 2006, the NJASC became a registered professional development provider with the State of New Jersey Advisors, and provides opportunities for advisors to receive professional development credit at each of these meetings.
The NJASC demonstrates a tradition of excellence and innovation in student leadership. Additionally, the NJASC enables New Jersey student councils to uniquely promote school and community pride. As an example, the NJASC has adopted a different state charity each school year. The adopted charity is selected by the students of the NJASC executive board, and funds are raised individually by the state's middle and high school student councils. The annual program was begun in the early 1970s, and expanded to the current format approximately ten years later. In that format, the selected charity must benefit a cause within the state of New Jersey; individual schools are recognized for their efforts during the NJASC Spring Awards Program. To date, more than $4 million has been contributed by New Jersey students through the NJASC to its State Charity program.
After a review of 31 extremely competitive nominations for the Prudential Actuarial Career Exploration (PACE) Program, Prudential and Schools That Can Newark is excited to announce the 16 students who have been chosen to participate in this year's program!
The final status of this year's 2021 PACE Program have been announced! As has been shared previously, this year the Prudential Actuarial Career Exploration (PACE) program received more nominations than ever! This year's nominated students were extremely competitive in their qualifications, and after several lengthy deliberation sessions, Sixteen (16) Newark 11th grade students were selected to become a part of the 3rd cohort of the PACE program. After three days of meeting with numerous representatives of Prudential, including Senior Vice-Presidents, members of the Talent Development Team, and Actuaries, students participated in the program's culminating event: a Case Competition. During the Case Competition, students made presentations that showcased their speaking abilities, analytical skills, knowledge of Excel, and learnings about retirement and the insurance industry. Students were divided into teams of 2 and made their presentations before 3 judges from Prudential. All of the presentations were AMAZING! The judges all agreed that all teams were extremely competitive. In the end, 2 teams were selected for the 1st Place and 2nd Place standing:
The 1st Place team represented KIPP Newark Collegiate Academy and North Star Academy. Each team member won a $1000 monetary prize and admission into the Penn State BOSS program.
The 2nd Place team represented 2 Newark Board of Education Schools. The 2nd place team winners are:
The 2nd Place winners each receive a $500 monetary prize.
Meredith Cruz
Endiyah Fleming
Jhair Gutierrez
Brian Januario
Kezia Oshuporu
Sammara Bernard
Frank Chuya
Oluwasola Ogundare
Giovanna Santos
Jennifer Fernandez
Sara Madrid
Brian Rivera
Prudential and Schools That Can Newark are excited to work with the students beginning February 22nd.
The Newark Board of Education held their Third Annual Newark Pre-K Holiday Reading Challenge during the holiday break, with hopes of fostering a love of reading and family engagement.
From December 24th to January 4th, preschoolers across the city of Newark were asked, with help from their families, to read for 20 minutes a day and to keep track of their reading by sharing reading logs and their engagement via pictures and videos on the District’s ‘Office of Early Childhood’ Instagram page @newarkprek.
At the scheduled Board Meeting on Thursday, January 28th, 2021 at 6:00 pm, Superintendent Roger León will recognize the children and their families along with the schools and centers who won first place. “We are proud of all of our students, families, schools and child care centers that participated. The current pandemic has shown us now more than ever, the importance of family partnership and engagement in our students learning process,” shared Superintendent León.
Among the winners are Noah Enechukwu, a preschooler at Camden Street School, who won first place for the most minutes read. Joining him is Alyssa S. Escobar Nicolas, a preschooler from Innovative Educational Programs, who won for posting her challenge on the Instagram page and receiving the most likes. The Child Care Center known as Newark Day at Essex County College won the title of having the highest average of minutes read among all of its enrolled students.
Ms. Samantha Lott-Velez, Executive Director of the Office of Early Childhood stated, “When children engage in reading, they learn about themselves and the world around them. The messages shared by the preschoolers on our Instagram page exhibit the social and emotional learning and character development that are so critical during these early years. The children’s expressions exhibited feelings of gratitude and kindness towards others. We are proud of all of our children for their efforts.”
Noah Enechukwu
Camden Street School
Newark Day at
Essex County College
Alyssa S. Escobar Nicolas
Innovative Educational Programs Summer Avenue
The NPS community couldn't be any PROUDER as we announce Chisom Ike, as the official WINNER of the Essex County Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Oratorical Competition.
The competition, held on Saturday, January 16, 2021 by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated and their Alpha Alpha Lambda Scholarship & Educational Foundation asked students to give a speech on Dr. King's "Perspective on the World Today".
Chisom Ike & MD Chowdbury of Mount Vernon School, both took home prizes with Chisom as the Winner and MD earning an honorable mention.
"This was truly an inspiring and extraordinary event. These young men represented Mt. Vernon very well. The hard work and dedication they put into their speeches and delivery was AMAZING and you could see it today.
But I know they would not have been able to do this on their own. A HUGE SHOUT to MS. JOHNSON! I know every teacher that these students sat in front of throughout their time at Mt. Vernon has contributed to this day. Ms. Johnson thank you for working with these young men and ensuring that they showed everyone how great they are! I know it was not an easy task especially virtually but all I can say is....JOB WELL DONE!"