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About Our School
Welcome to Peshine Avenue School! This is your school! It belongs to every scholar, every parent/guardian, every community member and every staff member. By joining this family, you have become part of a team of people who have dedicated their lives to helping children reach their full potential and develop into creative thinkers.
As with every school community, we need a set of guidelines and expectations to help promote and maintain a safe and orderly educational community that keeps scholars in school, engages scholars in learning, and fosters the social development of our scholars. The goal of this handbook is to share these expectations with our scholars and our families.
As a family member, you play a crucial role in the success of your child. Please work with us to inspire each of our scholars to reach his/her full potential by:
- Sending your child to school on time each day.
- Making sure you read all information sent home.
- Assisting with homework.
- Making sure your child gets enough rest.
- Making arrangements to visit your child’s classes.
- Attending Parent/Teacher conferences.
- Joining the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).
- Actively supporting fundraising.
- Maintaining contact with your child’s teacher(s).
- Contacting the school whenever questions/concerns occur.
- Ensuring that your child wears a clean and neat uniform every day.
- We look forward to working with you this year.
The Peshine Avenue Family