Information for Applicants & Students
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About Our School
August 5, 2023
Dear Malcolm X. Shabazz Family,
Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year. The Yoruba proverb states, “Ora na azu nwa"or “It takes a whole village to raise a child.” As such, we welcome the dynamic leaders and faculty who have joined the Shabazz Family so as to meet the needs of our growing student population. As your Principal, I am honored and humbled to have the opportunity to continue creating a teaching and learning environment centered around academic and personal growth that builds upon the rich history of Academic and Athletic Excellence at Malcolm X Shabazz High School. The 2023-24 School Year is one where all stakeholders will be directed to transform students, according to our Four Pillars of Excellence, into:
- Individuals who cultivate original ideas that add value to society.
- Individuals who are cultured in that he/she looks to history and assesses his/her present to create a better society.
- Individuals who value community and will do something that makes belonging matter.
- Individuals who are cooperative and will create positive relationships and partnerships to benefit society.
I invite all of our students, faculty, and staff to be Bulldogs--steeped in Black and Gold--who are proud to walk the same buildings where celebrities, professional athletes, and politicians once called home.
Communication and involvement is very important. As such, it is highly recommended you follow us on social media and utilize our website weekly to stay in the know. You will find the calendar for the school year, teacher information, along with clubs/sports/team specifics.
I am excited about all that this new school year has to offer and look forward to working collectively as a family to ensure that our students are provided with the best educational experience possible to be critical thinkers and responsible citizens as they graduate from Malcolm X. Shabazz H.S. each year. I look forward to building relationships with all stakeholders throughout this year and encourage you to become active members of the PTSA.
Lunch Application Website
School Uniforms
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school at 973-733-6760.
In Service with Kids,
Dr. Atiba Buckman, Principal

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."
Malcolm X Shabazz
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