On November 15th, the Newark Board of Education hosted its 36th Annual Title I Parent Conference at the NJIT Campus Center. It was exciting to host this conference in-person again. Stakeholders collaborated to create this year’s conference theme, Let’s Go to Work: Reconnect, Revitalize, Reimagine. With a focus on parental engagement, Title I Parent Conference keynote speaker and New Jersey Department of Education Acting Commissioner Dr. Angelica Allen-McMillan shared, "Research tells us that family engagement is one of the most powerful predictors of a child's development, academic growth, and overall success in school and life."District staff and community organizations presented dynamic workshops for participants on a variety of topics such as the High School Redesign Strategy, Early Childhood Conception to Cradle, Mental Health, Extended Services for Students, Motivating and Boosting Self-Esteem and FAFSA.
Quoted best by Deputy Superintendent Johnson, “We know that successful parent engagement requires a strong partnership between school, home, and community, and we are committed to strengthening our partnership and creating a culture of endless possibilities!”