Barringer S.T.E.A.M. and Project U.S.E. recently partnered to construct a fully functional boat and successfully traveled across the Passaic River without a hitch. Building the boat was a year-long project for Mr. Gualano’s construction class. The culmination of all their hard work took place on Saturday May 16, 2015, when they joined with boat-building teams from six other Newark schools to launch their boats at Riverfront Park in Newark.
This entire project encompassed many different learning opportunities for the students, and provided an invaluable opportunity to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world experience.
As students planned this project, they made use of their financial literacy studies as they budgeted for materials and planned ahead to make the best use of the available funds and materials. During the construction phase of the project, students incorporated their knowledge of physics, geometry, and woodworking to assemble a fully functional rowboat. On launch day students put to use their study of boating technique and the physical training gained in physical education classes to sail their boat across the Passaic River. This endeavor also served as a team-building exercise for the students, as they worked together to accomplish their goal.
Project U.S.E. is a nonprofit organization that provides learning opportunities to young people and adults yearly. Their tools and tactics help learning and promote self-respect, strong characters and social/environmental consciousness.
You can learn more here.