Random Acts of Kindness are done on a daily basis, and the 15 student leaders serve as role models for the rest of the students during different monthly initiatives like today on the 100th Day Celebration at Abington whose theme was “Showing our Love for learning!” These student leaders have also served a key role in Abington’s Respect Week in the fall. Throughout the school year, the Tea Party Girls spread the word of kindness and respect by modeling each day as well as lead in classroom presentations.
February 14th - Valentines Day marked the 4th Year Anniversary of the Acts of Kindness Tea Party where the student leaders pledge to show kindness and respect. Superintendent Roger León was a special guest while the students honored Sharon White, Custodial Worker, who came up with the idea. Her idea of how we can be kinder and more respectful as a community by having a Tea Party and discussing how we can all be Friends while resolving any conflicts with one another through acts of kindness. The Tea Party and the student leadership group is now an Abington staple with Future Female Leaders of Kindness!