[NEWARK NJ, January 11, 2022] This is the second high school we are featuring on Newark’s six comprehensive high schools as we enter into the final weeks of the Newark Enrolls process.
“Barringer High School is the third oldest high school in the United States,” announced Superintendent Leon. “We are extremely excited to showcase this high school in our series of the high school redesign strategy across the six comprehensive high schools.”
Our mission at Barringer High School is to prepare all students to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens ready to meet the challenges of the future,” said Principal Dr. Aviles. As educators, we understand the four R’s: Relevance + Rigor + Relationships = Results.
“I believe that all children can achieve success even in adverse circumstances,” said Principal Dr. Jose Aviles. “Knowledge is a powerful antidote for ignorance and provides the defense our students need to combat the lure of negative influences they confront on a daily basis. A well-rounded education will provide the knowledge our students need to overcome any obstacle placed in their path. Providing a caring and nurturing learning environment, with multiple opportunities to experience new methods of learning is essential. This can be achieved through a student-centered approach which encourages the development of a strong character, he added”
“Barringer High School and the Newark Public Schools made me feel part of a caring community that aims to deliver for our students,” said Arnulfo Chamale,
Here is a focus on Barringer High School:
Academics and College & Career Readiness
- Over 3 Million in scholarship opportunities.
- Barringer students were also accepted, during the past 3 years, by innumerable colleges and universities outside of New Jersey, including Dartmouth College, Old Dominion University, Clemson University, Villanova University, Brandeis University, Susquehanna University, Lehigh University, Albertus Magnus University, Johnson & Wales University, and University of Bridgeport. In addition, Barringer students were accepted by several historically black colleges and universities, including Howard University, Spellman University, Hampton University, Virginia Union and Morgan State University.Etc.- Over Fifty years since a student from Barringer was accepted into an Ivy League school.
- Doubled the amount of finishers for CTE program.
Premiere Academies
- Law- Learn the basic components of tort, consumer, housing, family, and immigration law in partnership with Rutgers Law School, McCarter & English Law Firm, and University High School.
- Public Safety- Learn the hierarchy of law enforcement agencies in the municipality and state.
- JROTC- Earn credit and rank while in the JROTC program at Barringer High School.
- Cybersecurity- Protect networks, computers, programs, and data from attacks using cyber security techniques.
- Carpentry- learn basic safety, use of hand and power tools, as well as working with construction drawings and blueprints and material handling. ... This pathway prepares you for core.
Co-Curricular Programs
- Clubs: Anime; Art/Mural Club; Artistic Production; Assistant Band Director; Band Director; BB Ambassadors;
Bear Band; BHS SIFE Connection; Book Club; Chess Club; Community Garden/Spring; Creative Writing; Dance Club; Dance Club; Debate; E-Sports Club; English/Spanish Language Exchange; ESL; Forensic/Cyber Security; GSA; Hip Hop Dance; Horticulture; Investment Club; JROTC Fall; JROTC Spring; JROTC Summer; Junior Class of 2023; Latin Dance/Majorettes/Fall; Newspaper/Podcast; NHS; Peer Mentorship; Photography; Robotics; SAC; School Store/Entrepreneurship Club; Senior Class of 2022; Sisterhood Club; Sneaker Customization Club; Social Emotional/ Suicide Prevention; Social Media Club; Social Media Club; Spanish Honor Society; Step Student Council; Student Government; Treasurer; Video Production Club; Weight Club; Yearbook; Youth Court - Athletics: Football; Boys Soccer, Boys Volleyball; Girls Volleyball, Boys Cross Country; Girls Cross Country; Cheerleading; Boys Basketball; Girls Basketball; Wrestling; Boys Indoor Track, Girls Indoor Track; Bowling; Softball; Baseball; Boys Outdoor Track; Girls Outdoor Track; Golf
Social, Emotional, and Mental Health
- Hashim Garrett – Wisdom and Understanding LLC: The mission of Wisdom & Understanding, LLC is to promote character education, decrease suspensions, reduce absenteeism and cyber bullying.
- Dennis Febo - Guazabara Insights, LLC: Guazabara Insights, LLC provides educational services to community institutions by educating on topics dealing with social consciousness, identity, culture, and self-knowledge through means of educational workshops, including but not limited to topics such on the Industrial prison complex, Social Justice in the media, and self-advocacy.
- Dr. Desiree Saab - School-Based Youth Services: New Jersey School-Based Youth Services Program is a collaborative partnership between the New Jersey Department of Human Services, local school boards, and the community they serve. In our efforts to provide better access to health and social service programs for children in Newark, Children’s Hospital of New Jersey at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center has opened a School-Based YSP at Barringer High. The goal of this program is to improve the health status of the children by providing quality services on-site.
- Carlos Valentin - ASPIRA - ASPIRA’s mission is to empower the community through advocacy, education & leadership development. In 1961, Dr. Antonia Pantoja and a group of educators and professionals created ASPIRA (the Spanish word for “aspire”), to address the exceedingly high dropout rate and low educational attainment of Puerto Rican youth.
- Armando Aviles – Cops 4 Kids: The MISSION of ESSEX COUNTY COPS 4 KIDS is to provide exciting activities and one-on-one mentorship for youth looking to explore a future career in law enforcement. Providing College & Career Readiness preparation to both males and females, ages 10-21, participants of the program engage in fun and exploratory “hands-on” career experiences along with confidence building exercises that promote leadership and offer community service opportunities.
- Newark Youth Career Pathway Year Round Employment Opportunity: NYCP, a program of Newark Alliance convenes a network of youth workforce providers, schools, and industry partners to synchronize year-round supports that prepare and expose youth to in demand career pathways.
- Rethink: Rethink Ed develops social-emotional competencies to create safe and supportive schools, family, and community environments where children thrive, are both respected and respectful, and where everyone engages in active learning.
- Wrap-Around Services: The Wraparound team exists to serve the student and family, by assessing the unique challenges of at risk youth and their families. The understanding is that these families do not have to “bend over backwards” to fit into a pre-existing system. In the beginning phase of the process, the Wraparound team, led by a Wraparound facilitator, meets with the child and family to actively listen to their individual needs. Then, the team determines areas of strength upon which a specialized strategy can be based. Next, after considering the specific goals of the student and family, the Wraparound team formulates a plan which includes everyone. That means family, students, teachers, school administrators, and guidance counselors. Any relevant parties directly involved in the life of the child should be involved.
- William J. Brennan-Justice of the United States Supreme Court
- Charles Evans Hughes-Former US Chief Justice
- Donald Payne Sr. – Congressman
- Luis Quintana- Newark Councilman
- Steve Adubato Sr.- Politician & Educator
- Amiri Baraka- Writer, Poet
- Andre Tippet- NFL Hall of Famer
- Ron Stone- Principal
- Camelia Valdes- Passaic County Prosecutor
- And, a super long list of simply incredible people.