The Newark Board of Education brought the 2021-2022 Fiscal year to a successful close. All accounts were in a positive financial status and the district’s financial health is good. The district is preparing for the 2022-23 school opening and ensuring that procurement contracts are awarded to support the proper expenditure of federal and local funds in accordance with state and federal regulations.
The Finance and Operations groups sponsored two district wide events in August prior to school opening. These meetings provided Principals with an opportunity for one-on-one interaction with department heads from several areas for conversations surrounding school specific information. It was the first time a “Round Robin” had been offered to Principals. The attendees expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to meet individually and get answers to questions, resolve issues and request additional services, where applicable. The sessions included other departments from across Teaching and Learning. It was well received by both participants and attendees. This event will become a part of the annual calendar with several modifications.
Principals received a full day of training in the areas of Operations and Finance with detailed presentations from several department heads. The presentations covered a wide range of topics and focused on the important information to help schools navigate the services needed for successful operation of schools. NJQSAC, Middle State Accreditation and ESSER Funding were all discussed. Principals were attentive, fully engaged, and several departments provided additional resources using QR codes.