Abington Avenue School
American History High School
Ann Street School
Arts High School
Avon Avenue
Bard Early College High School
Barringer High School
Belmont Runyon Elementary School
Benjamin Franklin School
Bruce Street School
Camden Elementary School
Central High School
Chancellor Avenue School
Cleveland Elementary School
Dr. E. Alma Flagg
Dr. William H. Horton Elementary School
Eagle Academy for Young Men of Newark
Early Childhood School - North
East Side High School
East Ward Elementary School
Elliott Street Elementary School
First Avenue School
Fourteenth Avenue
George Washington Carver Elementary School
Harriet Tubman Elementary School
Hawkins Street
Hawthorne Avenue School
Ironbound Academy Elementary School
Ivy Hill Elementary School
John F. Kennedy School
Lafayette Street School
Lincoln Elementary School
Louise A. Spencer School
Luis Muñoz Marín Elementary School
Malcolm X Shabazz High School
McKinley Elementary School
Michelle Obama Elementary School
Mount Vernon
NJ Regional Day
Nelson Mandela Elementary School
Newark Evening High School
Newark School of Architecture & Interior Design
Newark School of Data Science & Information Technology
Newark School of Fashion & Design
Newark School of Global Studies
Newark Vocational High School
Oliver Street School
Park Elementary School
Peshine Avenue
Quitman Street School
Rafael Hernández Elementary School
Ridge Street School
Roberto Clemente Elementary School
Salomé Ureña Elementary School
Science Park High School
Sir Isaac Newton Elementary School
South 17th Street School
South Street School
Speedway Avenue School
Sussex Avenue School
Technology High School
Thirteenth Avenue School
University High School
Weequahic High School
West Side High School
Wilson Avenue School