The Office of Special Education (OSE) celebrated its 5th Annual Autism Acceptance kick-off on Tuesday, April 4th, 2023. This year’s theme is “Make It Personal, Autism Acceptance.” Staff and students district-wide participated in Light-it-Up Blue by wearing blue shirts in honor of Autism Acceptance. The District’s goal is to promote autism awareness, acceptance, inclusion and self-determination for all students, and to encourage the community, educators, families, and friends to create a more inclusive world through acceptance and inclusion.
To embrace this year’s theme, the Office of Special Education has autism teachers partnering with grade-level general education colleagues in their school to engage in inclusive activities that promote awareness and acceptance of students using lesson plans and activities provided by OSE to guide them in this endeavor. At the end of the month, OSE will also have a pizza party to build on peer interactions among non-disabled students. Please see the calendar of events to check out what is happening across the District for the month of April (Autism Acceptance Calendar 2023).