The liquidation date for CARES (ESSER I) funds is fast approaching with an end date of October 2022. The core purpose of the funding was to provide direct funds to school districts to support areas impacted by the disruption and closure of schools from COVID-19. Additionally, it was to provide educational services while schools were closed, such as remote learning, while at the same time developing and implementing plans for the return to normal operations. Having received $20,676,760, the District of Newark allocated these funds in three main areas: Facilities, Teaching and Learning, and Technology. In the area of Facilities, sanitizing equipment, air purifiers, and PPE supplies were purchased to ensure student and teacher safety. In Teaching and Learning, learning platforms were purchased to support student learning of all students, including ELL learners and special needs populations. In Technology, Chromebooks were purchased for students and laptops for teachers, as well as hotspots for internet access. As we approach the liquidation date, we proudly announce that a total of $20,538,926 (99% of the total allocation) has been expended.