Dr. William H. Horton Elementary School’s Verizon Innovative Learning Lab, created by Verizon with Heart of America and Arizona State University, is now fully operational. As part of the Verizon Innovative Learning program, students use the Verizon Innovative Learning HQ curriculum and resources to enhance the learning experience at all grade levels.
At the beginning of the school year, all students received an orientation to the hardware, including:
- Four high-end Ultimaker 3D Printers
- Sphero RVR robots and modification kits
- Lego education kits
- Thirty class virtual reality headsets and two HTC Vive Advanced Virtual Reality
Headsets - Microsoft Hololens for mixed reality learning opportunities
- Augmented reality merge cubes and more
The Verizon Lab was showcased on Good Morning America! Visit https://bit.ly/HortonGMA to see the segment. The Verizon Coach, Mr. St. Jean, collaborates with all teachers building-wide to create engaging and rigorous data-driven lessons. Teachers use a shared calendar to sign up and plan educational technology enhanced learning experiences. Additionally, Mr. St. Jean provides opportunities within the Verizon Lab during lunch periods and after school with the Horton Apprentice and Retention Program (H.A.R.P) and Horton Alumni who volunteer to teach students advanced technology concepts, among other responsibilities.