Each year the Art Administrators of New Jersey (AANJ) encourage and support high school student artists through the Emerging Artists Exhibit held annually at Kean University. This year, twenty-eight students from across the state participated in the exhibit including five from Newark Board of Education. Students were recognized during the closing reception and award recognition ceremony Sunday, January 29th at the James Howe Gallery on the campus of Kean University.
Special recognition is given in the name of 4 Merit Awards and 4 Honorable Mentions during this program. Science Park High School freshman, Isanie Barthelus, received one of four Honorable Mentions making her eligible to submit a portfolio in consideration for the AANJ Art Achievement and Governors Award in the Arts. During the program, Isanie’s artwork was highlighted by Dr. Joseph Amorino, Kean University Coordinator of Arts Education. Isanie responded to questions from Dr. Amorino about the ideas and thought process in developing her artwork during the presentation.