What is DECA? I’m so glad you asked. Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. During the 2023-2024 school year we are proud to announce 46 West Side students enrolled in the Entrepreneurial Studies and Supply Chain Management Pathway’s became members of DECA, and 18 met the requirements to compete in the NJDECA Central East District Conference. The competition included a 100 question online exam in November 2023, followed by an in-person role-play held January 4, 2024 at Kean University. Our 18 students were given a written scenario’s based on their business event selection; they were required to read and write a solution to three performance indicators within 10 minutes. Once complete, they were given an additional 10 minutes to verbally present their solution to a judge within the professional industry.
This process can be intimidating and stressful for anyone, but especially for all of our first time competitors. The students spent weeks preparing for the competition with the support of
DECA Advisors Mrs. Richardson and Mr. Mason, practicing role-play scenarios focused on personal financial literacy, oral presentations, public speaking techniques, and building overall self-confidence.
They arrived on campus looking and feeling confident in their official DECA business attire, ready to represent themselves, West Side High School and the City of Newark with pride. In the end, three of our students scored in the top 10 of their event and will move on to the NJDECA State Conference Competition to be held in Atlantic City, NJ on March 5, 2024. Congratulations to Chapter President Elijah Brodie, newcomer Ameera Douse and Chapter Vice-President Roshaughn Barker, we are so proud of you and are confident you will have a great experience in Atlantic City.
Congratulations to our other competitors who stepped out of their comfort zone, faced their fears and shined bright this year; Mareem Akram, Xitlali Alvarez-Fierro, Minol Castro, Joshira Adams, Korri Bell, Christopher Crosby, Janiya Gamble, Alaya Harden, Devon Joseph, Asamin Lindsey, Federico Ngua, Bakary Sidibe, Barry Smith, Vincent Smith and La-Najah Womack.