NBOE’s summer programs will run from July 5th through August 4th at multiple sites across the city. The District will provide a wide variety of high-interest learning experiences and enrichment activities aligned to literacy and STEM standards over the summer for students in rising grades K-12. For example, the K-Ready Kindergarten Boot Camp for students entering Kindergarten, the Summer Plus academic and enrichment program for students in grades 1-7, the English Plus language acquisition program for ELL students, and the Extended School Year Program for students with IEPs (this program extends to August 11th). Additionally, the District has developed programming in the visual and performing arts, STEM, and sports for students interested in these areas. Moreover, high school students will have the opportunity to engage in internships, take accelerated courses, and participate in other college and career exploration activities.
More information about the District’s summer programs, including the brochure and application, can be found by visiting the summer website: https://newark.apppresser.com/summerprograms/.