The Offices of Teaching and Learning, Early Childhood, and Special Education welcomed more than 600 new teachers at the start of this school year. At professional learning sessions, our new teachers were introduced to the curriculum they are now teaching. As such, teachers reviewed grade-specific and content-specific curricular units and engaged in planning lessons led by the central office staff. Similarly, current teachers were also invited to attend sessions where they engaged in a review of curriculum and writing.
In order to increase student achievement, the implementation of curriculum at all schools must occur well. It is through the taught curriculum that students build knowledge, skills, and strategies as they master concepts. This combination builds academic and social success. To that end, the Office of Teaching and Learning, along with our colleagues in Early Childhood and Special Education, are working across our schools with school-based administrators, teachers, and coaches.
Upcoming Highlights: Adult Education courses will begin in October. For more information, please email Andre Hollis (a1hollis@nullnewark.apppresser.com) who directs this effort.