Mission & Vision Statements


Mission Statement

Our mission is to deliver an academically rigorous and culturally responsive instructional program that prepares every student for success and builds knowledge, strengthens character, cultivates ingenuity, and fosters leadership.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to build a new educational ecosystem that provides a world-class education for every child in Newark.

Core Values

Children at the Center
Every child is a genius and it is our responsibility to keep their dreams and needs at the center of all decisions.

Commitment to Excellence
We commit to continual, strategic, innovative, and research-based improvement in order to demonstrate excellence at all levels of the organization.

Reciprocal Relationships
We provide opportunities for impactful collaboration within and beyond the organization resulting in student success.

Cultivating Agency
We empower students to become advocates for themselves and for others.

We disrupt and rebuild every practice, policy, resource distribution, and system that may act as a barrier to opportunities for all.