9th Grade Bound Students Prepare for Selecting a Newark High School
[NEWARK, NJ- January 12, 2018] More than 500 people attended the Newark Enrolls High School Night, held yesterday at Bard High School Early College on Bergen Street.
The Enrollment Fair included presentations, demonstrations, and conversations about the high school experience. Students and parents met and interacted with principals, vice principals, teachers and students. The evening also included a personalized question and answer period, and resources from high schools. Participating high schools included American History, Arts, Bard, Barringer Academy of S.T.E.A.M., Barringer Academy of The Arts and Humanities, Central High School, Eagle Academy for Young Men, East Side, Great Oaks Legacy Charter, KIPP NJ: Newark Collegiate Academy, Malcolm X Shabazz, M.E.T.S. Charter, Marion P. Thomas Charter, People’s Preparatory, Science Park, Technology, University, Weequahic and West Side High Schools.
In addition to Newark Enrolls High School Night, parents and students can still complete applications for grammar schools by visiting the Newark Enrolls web site. This year Newark Enrolls is focused on continuing to improve how the enrollment process works for Newark families. More information is available at www.newarkenrolls.org, where a detailed School Guidebook is available. The application window to enroll students in all schools remains open until Friday, February 16, 2018.