"I must study politics and war, that my sons may study mathematics and philosophy…in order to give their children the right to study painting, poetry, music and architecture.”
-John Q. Adams
Arts Education is a critical component in the development of the whole child. Creating art engages the students’ minds and helps to develop all aspects of thinking. Our children will need the skills afforded through the arts to be leaders in the fast paced 21st century. The arts provide skills that enable students to be creative and fully participate in a global society. Acceptance of all races, ethnic groups and cultures is the foundation for living and working in the 21st century. Through the study of the Arts, children are exposed to a variety of cultures which fosters an understanding and appreciation for those cultures.
Technological changes in the past 20 years require a solid understanding of the impact these changes have on the environment and how we learn. Creation in the Arts has also transformed dramatically in the past generation and the use of technology has given greater access to more children to explore and create art.
Cross curricular infusion of the Arts through Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, World Language and Physical Education addresses the needs of the 21st century child. By teaching across the curriculum, the learner is able to link aspects of all subjects and synthesize the material more efficiently.
Children in grades K- 5 should receive exposure to the four areas of arts education: Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Art in a sequential manner. They should achieve a basic literacy in the content knowledge and skills of the NJCCCS. In grades 6 – 8, students should identify an art area of focus. This focus is to be determined by the child. The child should then develop a competency in skills and knowledge of the specific arts area. Grades 9 – 12 allow the student to remain focused on one of the arts areas with the goal of achieving proficiency in at least one area of the Arts as determined by the knowledge and skills standards of the NJCCCS.
All children in the Newark Public Schools will have an equal access to a sequential arts program that is aligned to the NJCCCS.
Curricular Resources
Visual, Performing & Living Arts Resources
Other Internet Resources
- Alvin Ailey
- American Ballet Theater
- American Repertory Ballet
- Art Educators of NJ
- B&H Photo
- Borders
- Carnegie Hall
- Dancebooks
- J. W. Pepper
- Lincoln Center
- Music Educators National Conference
- National Art Education Association
- Newark Museum
- NJ Music Educators Association
- NJ Symphony
- The Kennedy Center