Students in grades K-2 are great readers and thinkers thanks to the implementation of the Core Knowledge program. Students receive the necessary skills for decoding enabling them to comprehend what has been read. Students are consistently reading, improving vocabulary, and completing extension activities that are interesting and engaging. Decoding, which is addressed in the Skills Strand and comprehension, which is addressed in the Listening & and Learning Strand are aligned with the Common core Standards
Created by teachers, curriculum specialists, and literacy activists, American Reading Company‘s systematic approach to fostering independent reading is turnkey, intuitive, and proven. Each module is built around complex texts trade books and publicly available resources, not textbooks or anthologies. Which have been carefully selected and vetted by the authors of the Common Core as the best books for teaching grade level content. The curriculum includes a balance of fiction and non-fiction over the course of the instructional year, at appropriate levels of complexity.
GO MATH!is a focused program designed to meet the objectives and intent of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. It was specifically written to provide thorough coverage of the CCSS with an emphasis on depth of instruction. Students and teachers are supported as they advance from concrete to abstract content through the use of models and math talk prompts. The program is designed so that teachers can easily create the environments necessary for teaching the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics with depth without having to develop new materials.
S.T.E.M. - Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
STEM learning is essential to the prosperity of our nation’s future. We have accepted the challenge to provide rigorous STEM activities to ensure that our students will be college and career ready.