About Our School
August 2023
Dear Speedway Avenue School Families,
It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to you and your family at the start of a new year filled with hope and high expectations. This will be a milestone year for our school as your child transitions into a new grade level and for some of our students, their first school experience. I am honored to lead a school with such a rich tradition of education and culture! I look forward to continuing the work of serving our students, growing our staff, and continuing the hard work and dedication it takes to achieve the high expectations we all know are possible.
We are excited to remind you that the first day of school is Tuesday, September 5th! School will begin promptly at 8:25am. Here are some important dates and reminders to keep you informed leading up to the first day of school:
- Welcome Back BBQ & Supply Giveaway - Wednesday, August 30th, 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
In collaboration with The Bridge Movement Global, we welcome all Speedway families to attend the Welcome Back BBQ and pick up a free backpack, supplies, sneakers, clothes, food, and more. The supplies will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis and all students must be accompanied by an adult. This will be a great opportunity to welcome new and returning staff. Lunch applications and school registration must be complete. - Save the date for our annual Back to School Night scheduled for Thursday, September 14th at 6:00 p.m.
- (The following items are attached if needed for your reference)
- Required Summer Reading Book/Assignments
- Supply List
- School Uniform Requirements
- Please complete your Lunch Application and SchoolMint Re-Enrollment before the Welcome Back BBQ/ 1st Day of School.
For important updates and information, we ask that you regularly visit our school’s website by visiting https://newark.apppresser.com/SPD/, and follow our social media accounts on Facebook (Speedway School), Instagram (NPS_Speedway) and Twitter (NPS_Speedway).
As you continue to enjoy the remainder of your summer please be confident that we are preparing for your child’s arrival.
Ashley Jiles