School Policies
- Late Passes - Students will be given a late pass upon arrival after 8:35 AM
- All students must be wearing school uniforms at all times. Parents of students out of compliance will be formally contacted by Mrs. Ressurreicao.
- No students should be using cell phones during the school day. In an emergency, students can use the phone in the main office.
- Lunch Time: Students are NOT ALLOWED to return back to their classes or walk the hallways for any reason. No exceptions
- Dismissal Procedures: for parents NOT Arriving on time. If by 3:05pm the students have not been picked up, they will be sent to the main office.
Bobcat Procedures

In the Playground
- We follow the directions of the aides. We line up when they instruct us to.
- We keep our hands, feet, and objects to ourselves.
- We keep the playground clean.
- We play safely. (No pushing, fighting, etc.)
- We return to class in an orderly fashion.
- We are mindful of other classes in session.
In the Hallway
In the Cafeteria
In the Auditorium
In the Bathroom