Free Home Internet Access for Students and Teachers Offered by Altice (Optimum)
- Altice has Optimum Hotspot wifi throughout the city of Newark. If you have a device such as a phone or a laptop, your device will pick up the wifi signal as “optimumwifi”. Ordinarily, this is a paid wifi service and would require credentials to access it. However, for the next 60 days or so, you do not need any passwords. You simply select “optimumwifi” and connect to it. Depending on where you live and what type of building you live in, coverage will vary. You may need to move around to get a stronger signal. Concrete and Brick buildings for instance are hard for wifi signal to penetrate through so you may get a weaker signal inside the home.
- The 2nd option for families that do not have Internet Access is to call Altice at 866-200-9522 to enroll in the Optimum 30MB plan that they are offering. Please see the attached memo from Altice for more information. Altice has also announced that they will not disconnect any existing customer connections due to non-payment and will waive all late fees as well for the existing customers during this period.
Teachers residing outside the city of Newark will have the same options above if Altice (Optimum) is their local service provider. Altice Coronavirus Efforts Press Release 3.13.20