School Procedures
When a pattern of behavior begins that will potentially disrupt the learning environment, the following steps will be used:
- Teacher conference with student
- Teacher determined discipline
- Peer mediation/Peace table
- Teacher conference with parent and student
- Referral to Guidance/Social Worker for counseling
- Referral to the Pupil Resource Committee
- Suspension on site
- Suspension and removal from the school for up to four days
- Superintendent's Hearing/Suspension
Together, we will help our students succeed.
They will move into the 21st Century prepared and ready to meet challenges and live productively.
Code of Conduct
- Each student will come to school each day, on time, ready and prepared to learn.
- Each student will complete the homework assignments.
- Each student will respect himself or herself, others and the property of the school.
- Each student will do their part to maintain the beauty and cleanliness of the school.
- Each student will refrain from hitting, pushing, kicking, spitting and fighting.
- Each student will speak in conversational tones. Yelling, calling names, cursing, “put downs”, negative or derogatory statement about another student or the student's family will not be tolerated.
- We recognize that there will be times when corrective actions must be taken to ensure that the learning environment remains orderly and safe.