NJRD Returns to In-Person Learning
Mar 8, 2021

On March 8, 2021, New Jersey Regional Day School welcomed students back to in-person instruction. The district and school are excited to have their students reporting to the building and participating in a hybrid program.
New Jersey Regional Day does an outstanding job partnering with families to provide great instruction and to address the emotional and mental health needs of students. Superintendent León said, “While we are facing the adverse effects of this pandemic, for families who love and care for children with extraordinary abilities, the effects are magnified.”
On Monday, students arrived to school. With the world looking different now than it did in years prior, students followed the district’s protocols and ingress and egress procedures. Once they entered the building, students were greeted by marked hallways indicating where to stand and which way to walk. As soon as students got to their classrooms they enjoyed seeing teachers and friends and being socially distanced together. In just a few days, families have reported emotional improvements with many students reporting better sleep than they have had in weeks.
Principal Jennifer Mitchell said, “My teachers and staff reviewed and rehearsed our detailed hybrid plan. After putting that plan into action, the staff reported feeling confident and happy to see students in person.”
The district looks forward to beginning in-person instruction in all schools on April 12, 2021.