Title 1
School-Parent Involvement Policy
The school will have a parent involvement policy which is developed with parents of participating children and distributed to parents of participating children. This parent involvement policy describes how parents can become involved in the school.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings
The Title I teacher(s) and school principal will offer regularly scheduled meetings to provide parents of participating children opportunities to develop suggestions, to share experiences with other parents of participating children, and assist in decisions relating to the education of their children. Flexible times for meetings will be arranged to allow parents of participating children opportunities to receive assistance in reviewing and making suggestions for the Title I program.
Parents will receive timely information about the school performance profile, their child’s assessment results, and test interpretation. Parents are to receive a description and explanations about the school curriculum, type of assessments used to measure progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
School-Parent Compact
The Title I teacher(s) and school principal will assist parents of participating children in the development of a School-Parent Compact which describes how the school will provide a quality curriculum and high level of instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that will enable the children served to meet the State’s student performance standard. The compact will describe the ways parents will support their child’s learning such as monitoring television watching, attendance, and homework completion; volunteering in their child’s classroom; and participating as appropriate in decisions relating to the education of their children and positive use of extracurricular time.
In addition, this compact will address the importance of communication and the partnership between students, teachers, and parents and requires (a) at least one parent teacher conference, (b) frequent progress reports to parents, and (c) reasonable access to school staff with opportunities as a classroom observer and participant. The Title I teacher will keep on file a signed compact for each Title I student.
Building the Capacity for Involvement
Staff materials and training will be provided on the value and usefulness of the contributions of parents. This in-service will instruct all school staff in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents of participating children as equal partners.
The school will coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities with other school programs and community-based programs, organizations, and businesses that include a role for parents of participating children and a role for community partners.
The school will conduct activities designed to help parents of participating children become full partners in the education of their children including reasonable support for parental involvement requests and accessibility to parents with limited English proficiency and with disabilities. Information and school profiles should be provided in a language and form parents of participating children understand.