Lincoln School’s SHINE Program is a school-wide character education program that includes all grade levels, Pre-K through 8th grade. The program’s focus is to encourage all students to “SHINE” by teaching essential character building values. This is achieved by exposing students to the six pillars of character which include respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, kindness and citizenship. We further enhance our focus by including such traits as cooperation, self-discipline, friendship and positive-attitude. Lincoln’s SHINE program offers an opportunity for children to cultivate positive values that build on strengths and encourage a world view that is inherently good, right and empowering. Every month of the school year is devoted to a “character word of the month”. On a daily basis, students are encouraged to engage in behaviors and attitudes that reflect good character. Posters are placed throughout the school building reminding students of their responsibility to “Let their Character Shine”. Students are recognized on a daily and monthly basis for engaging in positive behaviors. At the completion of each school day, a “Shining Star” student and each month a student from every class is recognized as the “Character Shine Student of the Month”. These students are invited to a special Character Shine Celebration where they engage in character building games and activities and are awarded with special treats, gifts and certificates.
In 2009 Lincoln School was recognized by New Jersey Schools of Character Award Program as a character education program of “exceptional high quality”.
We are very proud of the SHINE Program and believe by fostering a supportive, caring school environment, we are “shaping tomorrow’s leaders”.
If you are interested in learning more about Lincoln’s SHINE Program, contact the program’s coordinator, Mrs. Kay Pollard, MSW.