Ms. Dorrice Rayam-Johnson
As the Principal, my outlook is to ensure that both my teachers and the students are able to function effectively to achieve their teaching and learning goals. I believe that every child has his or her unique learning styles and personalities. Here at Ivy Hill school we support this diversity through providing engaging learning opportunities and projects to which our students can relate.
My educational career, began as an Elementary School teacher at Fifteenth Avenue School, here in Newark. Being the Vice Principal of Ivy Hill school for several years has allowed me to share some of the strategies I've learned as a teacher, and has given me the opportunity to implement practices that will affect change and benefit the academic success of our students.
I graduated from Temple University, where I majored in Speech Communication. I have since completed my masters in Administration and Supervision at St. Peter's College, in Jersey City, NJ. I obtained my Principal and Supervisor Certificate after several years of being a certified K-8 teacher.
Ms. Dorothea Mitchell
Vice Principal
Room 205A
My philosophy resonates with the uncompromising view that all students can learn, given a positive learning atmosphere that welcomes exploration and enhances students’ confidence.It is my belief that an educator’s mission is to make school enjoyable, safe, and conducive to learning.
- Leadership Competence: The ability to promote the philosophy of the school program team-building leadership; promote multicultural awareness; make informal objective judgments; create an effective staff development plan; and engage in continuing professional development.
- Administrative Competence: The talent to maintain a safe, respectful, positive and effective learning environment; evaluate staff performance; monitor financial procedures and coordinate the school advisory council.
Mr. Kenneth Amparbin
Vice Principal
Room 307
Phone: 973-351-2247
Fax: 973-374-2102
I am extremely excited about serving the Ivy Hill School community and having an opportunity to ensure that Ivy Hill’s three goals are fully implemented: ACCOUNTABILITY; BEST PRACTICES; and, COMMUNICATION/COLLABORATION.
It is my belief that a quality education can enable students to achieve, transcend social classes, and to be productive and influential members of their neighborhoods and society and without a quality education it will be extremely difficult to live a positive and meaningful life.