Parent Teacher Organization
Welcome Parents
My name is Ms. Brown, your school's Community Engagement Specialist. I am here to assist you with any questions or concerns regarding your child. It is my duty to inform you of upcoming school events and volunteer opportunities which may be of interest to you. Please feel free to contact me at E3Brown@NPS.K12.NJ.US or stop by the Parent Room at your earliest convenience.
Bienvenidos padres
Mi nombre es Sra. Brown, Especialista de Participación de la Comunidad de su escuela. Estoy aquí para ayudarle con cualquier pregunta o preocupación con respecto a su hijo (a). Es mi deber informarle de los próximos eventos escolares y oportunidades para ser voluntario que pueden ser de su interés. Por favor no dude en comunicarse conmigo al E3Brown@NPS.K12.NJ.US o pase por la oficina.
Parent Teacher Organization is a nonprofit organization whose membership includes all parents, legal guardians and staff. Our entire school community will work together to ensure that every student will have a successful school year, however, we cannot do this alone. Helping your child realize the value of education is extremely important. Your presence at school is one way to show your love and encouragement.
Our school mission is to create an educational environment is witch students are given the opportunity to reach their full potential. While ensuring the academic, social and developmental needs of each student are met. We are looking for volunteers to help us succeed with this awesome task. Your children and I would like to invite you to come to school to volunteer your time and talents. We value you as a volunteer, and appreciate your dedication to our children as a supportive aide, role model, and mentor.
PTO Meeting Dates: English / Spanish
Parent Volunteer Sign-Up From SY 23-24: