2023-2024 Student Government Team

Top left to right Mr. Kucyk, Lynette, Romany, Yanses, Donavon, Annie, Kai, Dr. Summey, Calvin and Cindy
Oluwafikumayomi (Kai) Oyewole

I’m 16 years old. I am a junior at Data Science. I like to crochet, my goal is to let others be heard and to create a peaceful environment in my surrounding.
Donavon Pierre
Vice President

I’m 16 years old , I’m a junior at Newark School of Data Science and Information Technology. I like to play basketball as well as listening to music and my goal is to make it a better environment for everyone to be in and to be able to be around everyone.
Cindy Simpson

I am 14 years old. My favorite color is pink, I love Social Studies. In the future, My dream career is being an Orthodontist or a Dermatologist. I would also like to have my PHD.
Calvin Williams

I’m 16 years old, I am a junior at Data Science. My motto in life is broke people should never laugh. My goal is to make people laugh.
Annie Leonard

I’m 16 years old, I’m a junior at Newark School of Data Science and Information Technology. I like to read books and listening to music.
Tyla Payne

I’m 16 years old, I’m a junior at Newark School of Data Science and Information Technology. I like to hang out with friends and baby brother.
Yanses Tejada
9th Grade Representative

My name is Yanses, I am 14 years old, and I like to play my game in my free time and also I play basketball.
Ramony (Ramona) Tavares
10th Grade Representative

My name is Ramony (mostly known as Ramona) and I’m 16 years old. My favorite color is pink. I love being in my bed watching TikTok or watching true crime documentaries I love listening to other ideas or even being someone safe spot.
Lynette Kontoh
11th Grade Representative

I’m 16 years old,I’m a junior at Newark School of Data Science and Information Technology. I like to plan and order events. My goal is to make the class or 2025 heard, in order for us to have a successful year.