Social Studies
Social Studies Vision Statement
The word history comes from Greek for “investigation,” according to well-known historian Arnold Toynbee. Students at Camden Street School will learn and explore Social Studies by investigating many historical documents and sources in order to observe their present, understand their past, and illuminate their future so they do not take their world at face value. The future for the students at Camden Street School is filled with endless global possibilities as they embrace not only their civic responsibility in their city, town and country, but also their role in the world as well.
Social Studies Mission Statement
Students at Camden Street School will learn and develop the necessary skills needed to become responsible global citizens who will take full advantage of the global economy. As a result of rigorous instruction and the implementation of Common Core State Standards (newly adopted by the Newark Public Schools), students will demonstrate mastery in historical analyses, debate, geography, civics, research, critical thinking, non-fiction writing, communication, and technology. By attaining these essential skills, Camden Street School students will meet or exceed the district, state, and national academic benchmarks while at the same time they will display creativity, adaptability, perseverance, and imperishability.