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About Our School
Dear Parents and Students,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Roberto Clemente Elementary School Website. The faculty and staff join me in saying we’re happy to have you as a part of the Roberto Clemente Family. We hope that this website will provide you with up to date information on what is occurring in the school.
Our goal at Roberto Clemente is to serve you and this community the best way we can and we believe good communication will help us achieve this. This website will be just one of our tools to communicate what we will be doing during the school year. Inside you will find important school related information. Please take time to look over the content of the website.
Thank you,
Dr. Claudio Barbarán, Principal
Welcome Back
Dear Parents and Legal Guardians,
On behalf of the Roberto Clemente Elementary Administration, I hope this letter finds you, your children and your families in good health and spirits. I hope you were able to spend quality time with your loved ones during these summer months. I would like to thank you for your support during the 2022 - 2023 school year. Our community continues to stay S.T.R.O.N.G. ensuring ‘Success for All’!
I would also like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to all of our returning and new parents and students. The faculty, staff, and I are eager to work with you as we transition into our school setting, and we are looking forward to sharing the successes we will accomplish this school year.
Estimados padres:
De parte de la Administración de la escuela Primaria Roberto Clemente, espero que esta notificación los encuentre a ustedes, sus hijos y sus familias con buena salud y ánimo. Espero que haya podido pasar tiempo de calidad con sus seres queridos durante estos meses de verano. Me gustaría agradecerles por su apoyo durante el año pasado. Nuestra comunidad continúa siendo F.U.E.R.T.E asegurando el "éxito para todos”!
También me gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para extender una cálida bienvenida a todos nuestros padres y estudiantes nuevos y que regresan. La facultad, el personal y yo estamos ansiosos por trabajar con ustedes mientras hacemos la transición a nuestro regreso escolar, y estamos ansiosos por compartir los éxitos que lograremos este año escolar.