Student Support Team
Student Support Teams are proactive, multidisciplinary, problem-solving structures that analyze trends in school-wide data ( e.g. attendance, behavior, academics, and health) to understand the ways in which scholars experience school. The SST is the school's vehicle for the development and management of school-wide, universal prevention and intervention activities. It is the overarching, macro approach to school-based student services and guides the micro approaches delivered at each tier.
Student Support Teams utilize a tiered approach to provide resources and services to students:
Tier 1:
- Rigorous General Education Curriculum
- Advisory
- Office Hours
- 9th & 10th Grade Enrichment
- Convocation
Tier 2:
- Mindfulness and Meditation
- Daily Log
- Behavior Contract
- Check-in system with support staff
- Writing Fellows
- Peer Mediation
- NHS Peer Tutoring
Tier 3:
- Pupil Assistance Plan (PAP)
- Restoration
- Summer School
- Social Workers
- Referrals to Perform Care
- 2nd Fl./Trevor helplines
- Newark Youth Court
- NPS Court Rep.