College Advising
While the CTO is not a major part of students' first two years at BHSEC, the PTA and CTO conduct several early college awareness meetings for 9th and 10th grade parents and students. We urge families to attend at least one of these 9th and 10th grade CTO meetings each year to become acquainted with the college process ahead. Formal CTO advising begins in the spring of Year 1.
Year 1
The formal CTO advising process begins in the spring of Year 1 when students are assigned a CTO advisor and are scheduled for weekly college advisory meetings. College advisories help students with the college application process, from staying on top of deadlines to searching for colleges, to writing college essays and understanding financial aid.
Year 2
In the fall of Year 2, the college transfer advising process is in full swing. Students meet weekly with their CTO advisory group as well as one-on-one with their CTO advisors. In individual meetings, advisors assist students in selecting colleges, honing essays, and working through myriad concerns as they arise. The weekly CTO advisory meetings help students manage the many time sensitive components of the application process and also address topics such as financial aid, essays, interviews, scholarships, and other opportunities.
College Trips
Periodically, the CTO coordinates day-trips to colleges for 10th grade, Year 1, and Year 2 students. Trips generally cost $25 and include a tour, information session, and lunch. Financial assistance is available for eligible students. Details about trips and financial aid are announced by email and in advisories.
Year 2 Parent-CTO Meetings
Several evening CTO meetings are conducted for parents of Year 1 and Year 2 parents to address the application and advising processes, deadlines, standardized tests, credit transfer issues, financial aid, and more.