All Visual Art Students will explore solving problems in visual expression, utilizing drawing materials such as pencil, charcoal, pen, ink, and pastels; painting media such as watercolor, acrylics, and oils; 3-D mediums like clay, metal, fiber, paper, wood.
A variety of methods and techniques will be taught. The work will focus on technical skills, as well as design/creation, art history, and art appreciation. Instruction will also include instruction in design principles, composition elements, processes, correct use of tools, terms, and techniques.
Upper-Level Students will focus on the sustained exploration of themes and ideas, working toward senior and/or AP portfolios.
2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional Design are "Portfolio Preparation" tracks for the development of personal, college, and/or AP Art portfolios. Both continue to focus on solving problems in visual expression, but will expand to include more personal interpretation. This later work will focus on the refinement of technical skills in the areas of drawing, painting, printmaking, and mixed media (2-D); or original clay sculpture and pottery using pinch, coil, and slab techniques, as well as thrown pottery pieces on the pottery wheel, and/or mixed media sculpture (3-D).
Full-time Faculty -
Kennis Fairfax, Jackson Lenochan, Robert Richardson, Toni Thomas