Our School
Abington Avenue School is 117 years old. It is an elementary school, grades Pre-K through eight, with a population of over 850 students of diverse ethnic, cultural and racial background. Students whose home language is not English make up a majority of our population, Spanish being the dominant home language. Of these, nearly 15% are limited English proficiency students. Among our many accomplishments, we are proud of the fact that students of Abington Avenue School continue to make gains in acquisition of knowledge and academic performance as evidenced by both state and district based assessment instruments. Much of this is due to the dedication and hard work of our teachers and staff. We have other reasons to be proud. Student attendance consistently meets or exceeds the New Jersey state average. Apart from ELA or English Language Arts, Abington Avenue School offers students a diverse academic experience, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math).
Abington is one of the few schools in the Newark Public School system to have a STEM Lab. Students work cooperatively on a variety of activities and investigations designed to increase their knowledge and understanding in core subjects. We hope to continue our efforts in preparing students to acquire the skills necessary to become successful adults.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to expose students to various STEAM explorations that will empower them to make conscientious decisions about their future endeavors. In partnership with parents and the community, Abington Avenue School will offer innovative and unique opportunities that will develop students’ creative abilities. The comprehensive rigor of these experiences will provide students with the 21st century tools to align their passions with future careers.
Core Beliefs
Our primary purpose is to improve student achievement.
Effective instruction makes the biggest difference in the academic performance of students.
There is no excuse for poor quality instruction (No exceptions, No excuses; No alibis…).
With our help, at risk students will achieve at the same rate as students who are not at risk.
Staff members must have a commitment to children and a commitment to the pursuit of excellence.
The Big Picture
Establish & Communicate the Core beliefs with all stakeholders
Improve the quality of Instruction
Principal-Administrators are all Instructional Leaders
Create a Culture of Instructional feedback
Align the classroom and district curriculum with the NJ Student Learning Standards
Build Leadership Capacity
Align the budget to fund the priorities of the school
Increase PD opportunities and improve teacher recruitment, induction, and retention processes, to ensure we keep the best and hire the brightest teachers.
Vision Statement
Students will be prepared to choose STEAM related pathways aligned with their passion for 21st century careers.