August 21, 2023
Greetings all Abington Avenue School Parents & Guardians,
Welcome Back to what promises to be a challenging but exciting school year full of opportunities to improve and increase student achievement. Abington has a long-standing tradition of excellence in education here in the great city of Newark. We have been educating children now for 123 years having opened our doors to the community in the year 1900. It has been an honor and privilege to serve an instructional leader at our school for the past seven years. This school year will prove to be a rewarding one for all of our students as we build their knowledge. Our first day of school is Tuesday, September 5, 2025. Teachers and staff are looking forward to a year filled with exciting learning opportunities and long lasting memories through the numerous experiences they will share.
Please download our free school app so that you are kept up to date on the latest news from our school. Our app is called “Abington Avenue School” Abington Avenue School on the App Store or Abington Avenue School on the Google Play Store . We recommend turning your alerts on so that you can receive all notifications directly on your phone screen when they are first released. You can also follow us on our social media platform Abington Avenue School PTO – Home on Facebook.
Lunch applications must be completed for every student. The application can be found using the following link, Titan School Solutions. (You only have to complete one application per household.)
As a friendly reminder, please be sure to have each student report to school with the following items: Backpack, Pencil and any other materials each teacher has listed in their specific classroom supply list. Please be sure to follow the attendance guidelines, policies and expectations which can be found on the district’s website or by coming in to meet with our attendance counselor.
Arrival Locations/Times: We will be opening our gates for students at 7:50 AM using the playground entrance gate on either North 6th St. or North 7th St. Prepare your child to enter the school grounds independently so that we can reduce congestion in our playground in the morning as well as reduce the traffic congestion on the street.
- Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade
- Preschool parents should report to the trailer unit where you will meet our Pre-k teacher Ms. Doyle and her aide Ms. Bobe. Kindergarten, first, and second grade students will report to the school’s gymnasium where they will be lined up and monitored by staff until classroom teachers pick up their students. Kindly have your child wear a name tag so that we can quickly identify them upon arrival. Teachers will create new nametags on the first day of school so that they are used for the first week of school.
- Third Grade
- Third Grade students will report to our school’s courtyard.
- Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade
- Fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students will report to the auditorium.
- Seventh and Eighth Grade
- 7th and 8th grade students will report to the cafeteria..
- Dismissal Procedures (Exiting Locations/Times)
- Parents are welcome to pick up their child from our school playground starting at 2:45 PM for grades PreK to 2. Grades 3-8 will be dismissed from our school playground at 2:55 PM.
- Emergency Contact Information: It is imperative that we have updated contact information for you in case of an emergency. and time sensitive communications. This information should be updated in your School Mint Account . Please ensure this information is uploaded immediately and updated regularly.
- Orientation: I will be sharing school information and other important details with families at our orientation meetings on August 29th for our pre-k through fourth grade families, and August 30th for our 5th grade through 8th grade families. The meetings will start at 6:00 PM and end at 7:00 PM. The meetings will be held in our school auditorium. This meeting is mandatory for new students and optional for returning students.
- School Uniforms: Our school uniforms consist of Red Tops and Grey bottoms. French Toast ( and Kids Place have our school logo. We encourage everyone to purchase shirts with a logo although they are not mandatory. Logos help identify our students, build school culture and climate, and promote unity.
I look forward to meeting with you at our back to school night on September 13th at 6:00 PM. As your school leader my purpose is to engage and challenge our students as we build knowledge and capacity. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school at (973) 268-5230. Thank you for choosing Abington Avenue School. I look forward to your support and commitment towards your child’s education and well-being.
Yours in Education,
Alejandro Echevarria
Abington Avenue School