Sensory Integration
At Fourteenth Avenue School, it is our goal to provide each child with highly effective self-regulating strategies which can improve sensory processing needs. We strive to provide and incorporate multi-sensory integration to promote a successful educational experience for each child. Through daily multi-sensory diets, students are provided with numerous opportunities to learn through sensory enriched instruction and activities. In collaboration with all of our specialists, (Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, School Social Worker, Academic Interventionist, and School Psychologist) our students are provided with carefully planned practical multi-sensory integration to meet each child’s individual needs. For example, just as a regular diet may be designed to meet the need of an individual’s nutritional needs, a sensory diet consists of specific elements designed to meet the child’s sensory integration needs.
We believe when students are provided with frequent and consistent sensory integration, it will allow students to achieve a calm and alert state to help maximize instructional time. Students are encouraged to participate and request movement breaks which can help increase their focus and engagement in academics for 15-20 minutes. In conjunction with the sensory diet, the Newark Yoga Movement provides a wonderful opportunity for all students to practice relaxation strategies through breathing and yoga exercises as well.