First Avenue School is composed of students who are passionate about Mathematics. From the early elementary grades (Pre-K and Kindergarten), they are introduced to real life problem solving skills in the Math in Focus Curriculum. As the students transition into the middle grades, they are exposed to an investigative approach to leaning mathematics in the Connected Mathematics 2 program. This complete mathematics curriculum for grades 6–8 helps students utilize engaging interactive problems and motivating everyday situations to learn math concepts. A detailed exploration of resources for students, parents and teachers can be found by visiting this website. Here, students can watch videos, of online tutors and obtain valuable insight into the reasoning behind the mathematics they are learning.
As always, “All work and no play makes Jack and Jill a dull boy and girl”, so if you need to kick back and enjoy some mental stimulation, you may visit any of the math games fun. Students also are given access to a website that combines fun and learning called Study Island. Students can go here to view lessons and practice the skills they need at their grade level.